n°8 - dependence

Launch party 
Friday, November 17, 7pm to 10:30pm
Readings, editor's quiz around the issue with prizes (magazines, posters) and tour of the installation in the presence of contributors.
Vegetarian buffet, drinks and aperitifs.

Click here to take part 

Flash exhibition
November 17 to 19, 2023
Free admission from 11am to 7pm

Founded in 2015 by graphic designer Fanny Myon and architect Hugo Chevassus, the independent magazine fig. is publishing its 8th issue devoted to the theme of dependency.
To mark the release of this new opus, an exhibition brings together, for an evening and a weekend, "large-format" installations proposed by the magazine's contributors, which take over the floor of the Pavillon de l'Arsenal's hall.

Defined as a relationship of subordination, solidarity or causality, dependence is an original tool for influencing the meanings we give to the world. Dependence calls for exchange, symbiosis and community life, and mirrors submission, enslavement and alienation. This issue sets out to uproot these definitions in a hybrid corpus featuring voices closely or distantly associated with the experience of dependence.

With contributions and installations by:
Juan Pablo Gutierrez on the decolonial perspective, Jeanne Guien on consumerism and our relationship to objects - illustrated by Hugo Ruyant's paintings, Camille Bruneau & Sacha Gralinger on patriarchal debt and interdependencies - illustrated by Thomas Perrodin, Roxanne Maillet on graphic and non-binary détournements, La Buse on art workers and tools for social transformation of the art field between experiments and militant practices, Chiara Perlongo on crack consumption in the Parisian public space, Thibault Cocaign who from French Guiana sees Hexagone and French society retreating into a sick society, Manon Deck-Sablon and her photos of nude and non-gendered bodies with variable geometry, Françis Kéré for dancing under the moon, Apolline Lamoril on the Martine de Bandol affair in a survey-collection of photographs and archives, Gorge Bataille in a rewriting of Plato's Banquet, Quentin Vintousky in a comic strip on the echo of a virtual fall, Grégoire Sourice on our virtual avatars and "the red gradation of intestinal feeling. " 
fig. is an independent annual magazine founded in 2015 where art, architecture and society are discussed. The magazine is interested in the political and poetic dimensions of space - in the broadest sense - through the study of the resistant bodies that move within it. Without defending a single way of thinking, it attempts in its own way to mutualize actions and ideas that distance themselves from the mechanisms of domination and profitability with which our society is overflowing. With its distinctive hybridization of contribution formats, each issue of the magazine delivers rhizomatic content driven by emerging voices. It sparks discussion between researchers, architects, artists, scientists and activists who debate sustainable, inclusive and supportive alternatives for a different, if not better, world. Detached from the urgency of current events, fig. follows its own publication schedule.