Raumlabor berlin

The Floating University & more

 Lecture Thursday March 23 at 7pm with
Markus Bader, architect, founding member of Raumlabor and professor at the Berlin University of the Arts
Introduction by the Collectif Etc
Lecture in English

"A new architecture of togetherness will probably be produced differently than architectures of separation. how can we imagine new ways of thinking, learning, designing architectures of togetherness, that critically leave behind mindsets of radical extraction, commodification, individualisation and fluidiy? markus bader will talk about some educational experiments in the frame of open raumlabor university, it’s manifestations in floating university, making futures and echoes across institutional practice." - Collectif ETC

An Architecture School Of Commons
ASOC (an Architecture School Of Commons) is interested in creating connections between architecture schools, collective place projects led by local communities, and a generation of young professionals organized in architectural collectives, and is experimenting formal, informal and non-formal pedagogies. This cooperative partnership for higher education is active on three experimental work in Europe (France, Italy, Greece). It takes the form of intensive learning-by-doing workshops, involving all partners and producing changes.

Event organized as part of the lecture cycle An Architecture School Of Commons
Lecture Thursday March 23 at 7pm, Pavillon de l'Arsenal

Lecture in English
